Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Vertebrate and invertebrate animals


Vertebrate and invertebrate animals

Animals can be classified as either vertebrates or invertebrates.

Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone inside their body. The major groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Invertebrates don't have a backbone. They either have a soft body, like worms and jellyfish, or a hard outer casing covering their body, like spiders and crabs.  (BCC, s.f.)

 (Learning junctions, 2019)

Hello dear students! So, as you know the main difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is the presence of a backbone in the first group! But, besides that, are there other differences between them?
Yes! Of course, in this video you are going to find some extra characteristics,!!

So, please, I need that you tell me in the comments one characteristic that represents vertebrates and another for invertebrates. You can choose.
Post it here! 
Vertebrates have muscles and skeletons. Some examples of vertebrates are fish (swordfish, shark) and mammals (the human being)
Some invertebrates have soft body, others are protected by a shell. Some examples of invertebrates are annelids (worms) and mollusks (snails.)


  1. Vertebrates have back bone and invertebrates don´t have it

  2. Vertebrates have a spine and muscles, for example crocodiles and invertebrates can have a very thin or soft body, for example a worm.

  3. Vertebrates have bones and their reproduce is sexually, for example dogs and Invertebrates don´t have bones and their reproduce is asexually,for example worms

  4. Vertebrates have back bone and invertebrates don"t have it

  5. Vertebrates have a backbone, for example: birds. Invertebrates are multicellular an they don't have a backone, for example: a starfish

  6. Invertebrate animals are animals that do not have bones or muscles and vertebrate animals are those that have bones and muscles.

  7. Vertebrates animals have backbones. For example: frog. Invertebrates animales don't have backbones. For example: spider.

  8. Vertebrates animals have a backbone and bones, and some examples could be: a dog or a cat, while invertebrates animals don't have backbone or bones, and some clear examples are: a spider or a bee.

  9. Vertebrate animals
    They are the ones with a backbone
    Examples: Shark, monkey etc.

  10. Invertebrate animals
    They are the ones without backbone
    examples: starfish, wasp.

  11. Characteristics of Vertebrate animals: All vertebrates have some or all systems, nervous, muscular, immune and excretory system.
    Characteristics of Invertebrate animals: They reproduce by two reproductive cells.

  12. Vertebrates have backbone and muscles.
    Examples: Tigers, dogs, etc.
    Invertebrates don´t have backbone and muscles.
    Examples: Worm.


Types of invertebrates

Types of invertebrate animals Dear students, as we study in class, there are different types of invertebrates!  Please, watch the following ...