Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Types of invertebrates

Types of invertebrate animals

Dear students, as we study in class, there are different types of invertebrates! 

Please, watch the following video and also, review the next graphic organizer and post in the comments the type of invertebrates that impressed you the most, include three characteristics and an example. 

To consider!!!
Please, do your research find out an interesting fact you would like to share. 


The type of invertebrate that impressed me the most is the ARTHROPODS, specially the insects:

  • They have bilateral simmetry.
  • They are very abundant. For each 100 animals, 80 are arthropods. 
  • Spiders are not insects.
  • Insects are cold blooded. 
  • Insects have three paired legs. 
  • They have an exoskeleton. 
The praying mantis.
Did you know that the female praying mantis eats the head of its mate! It is a deadltly love. Check the video!! 

National Geographic educative video: DEADLY PRAYING MANTIS LOVE 



Description automatically generated 

OUr friend the beetle!! 


  1. The invertebrates, can be terrestrial or aquatic, also, most of them have 6 legs, but others have from 10 ten to 100/∞, also they don't have a backbone, but some of them have an exoesqueleton, that is as a esqueleton but that is outside of the body, and some clear examples could be: a centapede, spider, earthworm, jellyfish,etc. The arthropods,a nd they are characteristed for having a backbone, and for beeing the most abundant animals in the world, every 100 of animals, 80 are arthropods, that means the eighty porcent of the animals.

  2. Invertebrates usually have these characteristics:

    They are usually small animals.
    They lack an internal articulated bone or cartilaginous skeleton (sponges and echinoderms have an internal skeleton of a calcareous or silicic nature, while arthropods have an exoskeleton).
    Many have shells, shells, or coverings of some hard substance.
    It is probably the group that, with microorganisms, has been the worst inventoried, because invertebrates are often small and live discreetly, in the seas, sediments, soils, etc. Their number, the complexity of their description and the underestimation of their economic, scientific and food potential contributed for a long time, diverting scientific research, and it was not until the end of the 18th century that European scientists repeated the work where Aristotle and Pliny had left him.3

    In our days, research on invertebrates has allowed the discovery of several hundred species of great scientific, industrial, economic or even food power, and modern medicine owes a great deal to unexpected animals such as the horseshoe crab, jellyfish, plankton.3 Insects remain the best known group of invertebrates.

    When it comes to the number of species, the most important part of known biodiversity is made up of invertebrate organisms. Out of 1.7 to 1.8 million species registered in 2005 (according to the criteria used for their classification), we found about 990,000 invertebrate animals.

    Invertebrates do not form a monophyletic group: this notion has been abandoned by recent classifications (phylogenetic classifications). However, the term "invertebrate" is used to designate a group of living beings that share the characteristic of not having a backbone.

  3. The invertebrates are animals that don't have backbone and also are classificated in 6 groups of animals, sponges, jellyfish, echinoderms, mollusks, annelids and arthropods.
    most of the invertebrates have 6 legs, also some of the invertebrates have exoskeleton is like a skeleton but is outside the body for example: jellyfish, centapede etc,
    some of They are terrestrial or aquatic.

  4. The type of invertebrate that impressed me the most ar the worms, specially the annelids.🪱

    1. They are characterized by having a body and composed of segments divided by rings.

    2. Annelids do not have lungs but breathe through their skin.

    3. Annelids live up to 6 years of life.

    Example: Annelids are a type of worms.🪱

  5. The type of invertebrate that most interested me was the mollusk, they are covered by a shell, they can be aquatic or terrestrial, these animals exhibit bilateral symmetry and have a soft body. An interesting fact about mollusks is that mollusks are most closely related to arthropods.

  6. The type of invertebrate that interested me the most was the jellyfish because is one of the types of aquatic invertebrates. Some of them are translucid and you can see his organs also some of them are very venenous. This animals live in all the oceans in the world

    Interesting Facts:
    1._ Their body is made up of 95% of water
    2._their don´t have brain
    3._Their body is made of 3 layers

  7. The type of invertebrates that most interested me was the WORMS.
    1. They are identified by having a pink and black colored body and by having ring divisions.
    2.One question I asked myself was how annelids breathe, annelids breathe through their skin since they don't have lungs.
    3. Approximately the worms or better known as annelids live approximately 6 years.


  8. The invertebrate that interests me the most is the starfish because it seems very interesting to me because of all the characteristics of its body, its exotic orange color and its movements.

  9. The type of invertebrate that interested me the mos was the starfish because live into the ocean and they are predatory to other animals.
    1.- starfish are not fish
    2.-Not all starfish have 5 arms.
    3.-starfish have no blood
    4.-Starfish arms regenerate
    5.-they have no brain or heart

  10. Ivertebrates animals
    They are divided into 6 groups
    Arthropods all have an exoskeleton that serves to more than 10 their sexual reproduction, they live on land, water and some fly example: Ants, crabs, butterfies, spiders etc.

  11. The type of invertebrate that most interested me was the carales are aquatic, they belong to the cnidarian family like jellyfish and sea anemones, they have a hard body made of calcium to protect themselves. An interesting fact about corals is that corals are one of the most valuable and biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, for example: fire corals

  12. Invertebrates are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles but often possess a hard outer skeleton (as in most mollusks, crustaceans, and insects) that serves, as well, for body protection.

  13. Arthropods all have an exoskeleton that serves to more than 10 their sexual reproduction, they live on land, water and some fly example: Ants, crabs, butterfies, spiders etc.


Types of invertebrates

Types of invertebrate animals Dear students, as we study in class, there are different types of invertebrates!  Please, watch the following ...