Monday, August 29, 2022

The importance of values!



It's our promise! 

Dear students all values are super important!  They are considered just as important as teaching reading or writing.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

What are living things?



Science objective:

By the end of this unit, students will describe invertebrates and group them according to their characteristics and analyze their reproductive cycle.

Dear students this unit we are going to learn super cool facts
about living beings and their environment! 

First, what are living beings?🌳🌴🐹🐺🐦🐥📕📢📮📰📐

Watch the video and then, organize your ideas of what are the main characteristics of living beings.

Are living and nonliving things the same? 
No, right!!

So, please now that we know living and nonliving things are different, I need that you tell me in the comments one characteristic that represent a living thing creature or a non living thing and an example. You can choose.
Post it here! 
Living things can feel emotions. An example of living being is a dog.
Nonliving things cannot grow. An example of nonliving thing is a rock.   

Types of invertebrates

Types of invertebrate animals Dear students, as we study in class, there are different types of invertebrates!  Please, watch the following ...